Joep Egmond

guitars whereon a lot of famous guitarists started their first musical activities. Names as George Harrison, Paul Mc Cartney, John Lenon, Brian May (Queen) and Roy Orbison played in their first years as a musician (60-er years) on these instruments. By this dynamic youth Joep came in contact with all kinds of artists and started himself with piano- lessons and proceeded afterwards with the drums. Music and art are near to each other and after his musical period he started as from approximately 1985 to paint; firstly as a hobby and afterwards by studying on the Academy of beautiful arts in Belgium his paintings became more seriously. His style developed from classic realism to figuratively abstract works. He finds the impression of the art lovers important in his work. Their feelings must be well, because he knows that each work is painted from his deepest feelings. An art curator published: ”Joep


Egmond’s paintings are a series of touching and familiar narratives. The solemn inhabitants of these intimate compositions are as diverse as they are charismatic. The artist gives each figure a particular personality and presence through the use of scale, pose, detail and color. They come together in fleeting family portraits and dreamy tribes of school-yard children. Painted with a sensibility reminiscent of Kandinsky’s water colors, the images are built with

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was born in Eindhoven (the Netherlands) in 1952 as 3th son of an artistic family. Especially in the family of its father, himself a good guitarist, pianist and painter there were lots of musicians and painters. His father was the director of the Dutch Egmond-guitar factory in Best and built


delicate contours and a palette governed by primary colors. Accents of vibrant lime and surf blue are skillfully balanced with rich cool blacks. While Egmond is clearly more interested in color than chiaroscuro, his works demonstrate an exceptional sense of form”. Joep’s works are exposed in The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Germany.

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