Angelika Dünner

Stark prägende familiäre Ereignisse in meiner Kindheit haben sehr früh meinen Wunsch und meine Vision erwachen lassen, mein Leben ausserhalb der gesteckten Grenzen erfahren zu wollen. Im Alter von 22 Jahren verließ ich mein Geburtsland Deutschland, um meiner Sehnsucht, “die Welt entdecken“ zu folgen. Ich hatte das Glück, in all den Jahren auf verschiedenen Kontinenten wie Südamerika, Europa, Australien, Amerika und Asien leben zu dürfen. Tiefe Einsicht in die verschiedenen Lebensweisen und Kulturen sowie ein immerwӓhrendes Dazulernen und Erfahren haben mein Leben geprӓgt und zu einem dankbaren Menschen mit tiefem Respekt für alles Dasein werden lassen.

Mit der autodidaktischen Malerei begann ich im Jahr 2008. Meine Neugierde, mich auf verschiedene Materialien wie Acryl, Öl, Pigmente, Gouache/Wasserfarbe und Tusche einzulassen, bringt immer wieder unterschiedlichste Bilder zutage und lässt mich den “Moment der Gefühle“ ausdrücken. Das Modellieren mit Gips erfolgte einige Jahre später und meine erste Skulptur „The Nomad“ entstand 2012. Die dreidimensionale Gestaltung mit diesem Material, das schon vor Jahrtausenden in verschiedenen Kulturen verwendet wurde, übt eine magische Anziehungskraft auf mich aus.

Angelika Dünner, born in 1955 in Germany, lives and works as an artist in Switzerland. During my childhood and teenage years I was already extremely curious about the world revolving around me. My desire for knowledge and adventure was limitless. At the age of 22, I left my homeland to discover the world and follow my desire to see the world. My passion brought me to many beautiful places on this planet. The cultures and beauty of different countries fascinated and impressed me from the beginning. I not only had the chance to visit many countries, I was also lucky enough to live all over the world on different continents such as South America, Europe, Australia and Asia.

My experiences with all the unique cultures, different ways of living and the ongoing process of learning has greatly marked my life and allowed me to become very respectful towards every being on this planet. I will forever treasure my experiences and all of the great people I have met over the years in my heart.

I spontaneously began painting in 2008. I have always felt drawn to art, but never had the courage to paint myself. Painting rapidly developed into a passion through which I am able to express my feelings and life experiences.


The works by the German artist Angelika Dünner are characterised by the apparent casualness with which she brings life to formal stories and images in her individual works, simply by means of colour compositions. Full of great intensity, her works are incomparable. In the impressions conveyed, and the suggested archaic figures, which we can sense rather than detect from her pictures, we feel as if this vitality is almost tangible and we notice how our own imagination carries on that which has emerged from the interior life of the artist’s creation.
The cosmopolitan Angelika Dünner now lives in Switzerland, having previously lived in many countries on five different continents since the 1980s. The creative work of the self-taught artist, which feeds from a rich life full of diverse experiences, is concentrated primarily on the timespan from the year 2008. (Thomas Keller)

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